I had the recent pleasure to join Sigalle Barnes on his podcast “Lawyers Who Lead”.

Please click here to listen to the whole podcast: https://www.lawline.com/podcast/lawyers-who-lead/episodes/leading-by-ditching-the-billable-hour-with-marc-snyderman

In this week’s episode, Sigalle interviews Marc Snyderman, founder and CEO of Snyderman Law Group and managing partner at Well Bridge Capital. 

Marc shares how his experience being a lawyer and a COO helped him identify a huge gap in legal accessibility for small and mid-sized businesses. Determined to find a better way beyond the billable hour, Marc shares his legal as a subscription-based model.

Marc’s interview illuminates the importance of alternative ways of providing legal services as not only a benefit to clients, but imperative to lawyer well-being and civility. 

Visit https://www.marcsnyderman.com/ to learn more.



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