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Arnie Kahn is an influential figure in the field of psychology and social issues, known for his work in experimental social psychology, with a particular focus on gender and equality. Growing up in a household that promoted equality and anti-racism, his early involvement in the African American civil rights movement shaped his commitment to social justice. Arnie’s journey in gender studies started during his teaching career when he realized the importance of addressing gender biases and stereotypes, sparking his involvement in organizations like the National Organization for Women (NOW) and the Iowa Women’s Studies Association. His dedication to fostering change in the field of psychology is evident in his research on issues such as rape and sexual violence, where he explored the complexities of defining and acknowledging these experiences. Arnie’s contributions extend beyond research, as he served on various committees, including the American Psychological Association’s Board of Social and Ethical Responsibility for Psychology (BSERP), furthering his impact on social responsibility and policy issues in the field.

Donna Monaco is a Senior Recruiting Manager at PrintLink, a renowned boutique recruitment agency specializing in the printing and packaging industries. Donna’s career journey reflects her commitment to excellence, having previously managed the Document Solutions Division of Ironwood Litho. She holds a degree in Industrial Technology/Graphic Communications from Arizona State University. Beyond her professional endeavors, Donna is deeply involved in empowering women and advocating for equality as the President of the local chapter of Zonta, an international organization dedicated to advancing the status of women and advocating for their rights worldwide.

Together, Arnie Kahn and Donna Monaco exemplify a commitment to equality, justice, and the advancement of women’s rights in their respective fields of psychology and recruitment. Their dedication to promoting positive change serves as an inspiration to others.

PrintLink is a specialized recruitment agency dedicated to serving the packaging, printing, and label industries. They operate as a vital intermediary, connecting companies in need of new talent with individuals searching for job opportunities across the United States. With a multi-generational team using modern tools and upholding a core value of empathy, PrintLink strives to provide valuable insights, networking, and professional connections within the evolving fields of printing and packaging, ensuring confidential and successful matches between employers and candidates. Whether you’re seeking top talent or exploring new career paths in the printing and packaging sectors, PrintLink is here to facilitate connections and opportunities in this dynamic industry.

Susan: Hello. This is Susan Nofi from the Think Factory. We’re here at Printing United 2023 in Atlanta. And it is my pleasure today to welcome PrintLink to the Think Factory. We have Arnie Kahn and Donna Monaco, who specialize in recruiting within the graphic arts industry. And I know Arnie from years and years ago at Heidelberg USA, where I was general counsel for many years and head of HR and Arnie has a great business and knowledge of the print industry. So we’re going to chat a little bit today about what he’s seeing in the print industry and what PrintLink can do to help companies source their personnel. So, Arnie, welcome.

Arnie: Well, thank you, Susan. Thank you for having us here. We’re delighted to be with you. And of course, the reason that we’re here at the show is because, as you well know, many of the companies here are having a very difficult time finding good people. and been professional placement people in the industry for so many years, knowing the industry as well as we do, and catering to both middle- and senior-level management as well as the highly skilled hands-on people in the industry, we feel that we can be very helpful to a number of the people that are really struggling with finding top talent.

Donna: Yes. Thank you, Susan. This is Donna. And one thing that we are finding is that not only are people thinking now, but they are doing succession planning, and, you know, being able to advise and consult with them on their future goals is also a big part of what we do.

Susan: Interesting. Interesting. And so do you have a client list that comes to you and says, Okay, we’ve got this succession plan we’re looking for a particular role to fill. And how long is generally the cycle for placement?

Donna: Well, it really depends on, you know, their plan. So, I mean, we work with our clients long-term. I mean, we’re talking with people that we’ve talked with. Well, for me, it’s 22 years, and for our needs, a little bit more. But yeah, so it’s what they’re thinking of, you know, whether it’s, you know, they’re going to be maybe getting a new location, things like that. We train and really partner with our clients, and we make sure that we have a very good handle on what they’re doing now and what they’re looking to do. Because then, as we talk to people, we can go ahead and give them our clients’ accounts and say, hey, we talked with John Smith. And, you know, I think that, you know, what you’re planning to do, he might be very good to you. So, we always keep that in the back of our minds, as well as the current immediate that companies are looking for.

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