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Kongskilde Industries, with over seven decades of unparalleled expertise, is a global leader in delivering precisely engineered pneumatic conveyance and material handling solutions for the plastics, paper, packaging, and agro-industries. Their commitment to global responsibility and serious dedication to vertical integration sets them apart in the industry. With a passion for innovation and a belief in the power of technology and customization, Kongskilde ensures a seamless experience for their customers, from the initial conversation through assembly and installation, prioritizing world-class customer service as their cornerstone. Headquartered in Denmark and with sales offices in nine countries worldwide, Kongskilde combines global scale with a local touch, showcasing a legacy of innovation that continues to thrive with new technologies and bold ideas. As a team of dedicated thinkers and pneumatic experts, Kongskilde takes pride in their history and achievements, inviting potential partners to reach out and discover how they can contribute to their success.

Chris: Welcome back to the Think Factory podcast powered by OGC Solutions. And I’m Chris Santomassimo, your host, and I’m pretty excited to sit across the table from Vince Luchison. He’s with Kongskilde Industries. He’s the Regional Manager for the Southeast U.S. and Latin America. And we’re here live at the Printing United Expo in Atlanta. So welcome to the podcast.

Vince: Thank you, Chris. I guess where should we go?

Chris: Well, yeah, exactly. Look at each other, like. Yeah. Here we go. That’s what happens when you do this.

Vince: No, I get it.

Chris: Well, anyway, thanks to this, this great expo, Vince, that I got to meet a couple of weeks ago by phone, and I learned a lot about Kongskilde. What’s particularly cool about it is that the company’s connected deeply with the printing industry because of some of the things that you make, which I want to let you talk about in a minute. But I was actually fascinated by how diverse or how many diverse industries the company services because of the products that it makes.

Vince: Yes. So our products are pneumatic based blowers. Industrial blower, was actually the first thing that was our founder invented to move grain. So we’re all over the agricultural space. But if anything, you can move with with air in an industrial application, we usually can handle unless it’s metals or for obvious reasons. I mean, metals moving 43 feet per second, heavy and dense. But even when you do get it moving right, it’ll erode the pipe and then you get a safety hazard. So we like to stay within plastic waste streams in particular. That’s where we fit in here. The waste stream, very large industrial print trims, trim, scrap, and then the back end of that becomes usually a recycling process. We’ve worked with paper companies, some of that even read pulp inside the facilities. So we have we handle everything from the end of the line where they’re producing a paper printed product to the back end, where they’re repulping and producing paper, plastics, film, you know, film converters. I have film converters that have printers printing labels for a bag of oranges, say trimming those down the size, rewinding them. We’re managing all of the waste production through that, throughout that whole process, and oftentimes taking you back to repelletizer inside the plant, converting it back to plastic pellets, where they’ll produce, where they’ll blow new film out of it right there.

Chris: Or if it’s a user in the film, they can actually recycle it and create a different revenue stream.

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