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Leonardo “Len” Giglio is a forward-thinking leader and the current CEO of Tempo Flexible Packaging, based in Innisfil, Ontario. With a deep-rooted passion for sustainability, Len is dedicated to advancing the Circular Economy in the flexible packaging industry. He has been with Tempo for over 16 years, where his journey has seen him rise from Vice President of Marketing to his current role as CEO since January 2021. His leadership is marked by a relentless commitment to innovation and a vision for a more sustainable future in packaging.

Len’s tenure at Tempo Flexible Packaging is highlighted by significant contributions to the company’s growth and strategic direction. From January 2019 to December 2020, he served as the Vice President of Marketing & Product Development, driving forward new initiatives and enhancing Tempo’s market presence. Before that, he spent over six years as Vice President of Marketing, where he honed his skills in brand development and product innovation. His efforts have positioned Tempo as a key player in the flexible packaging industry, known for its sustainability-focused approach.

In addition to his professional achievements, Len is actively involved in the broader packaging community. Since April 2021, he has served on the Advisory Board of the Canada Plastics Pact, contributing to national efforts to improve plastic packaging’s sustainability. He also shares his expertise as an instructor for the PAC Packaging Consortium’s Certificate Program, helping to educate the next generation of packaging professionals. Len’s dedication to environmental stewardship and his collaborative spirit make him a prominent figure in the move towards sustainable packaging solutions.

Tempo Flexible Packaging, with over 50 years of proven success, operates a 110,000 square foot, vertically integrated facility certified with FSSC 22000 v 5.1 standards. Recognized as an essential manufacturer during the COVID-19 pandemic, Tempo’s talented employees are dedicated to meeting quality and production goals while maintaining efficient operations. Their vision is to be the preferred partner for sustainable and socially responsible flexible packaging solutions in North America, providing custom solutions tailored to each client and brand.

Chris: Welcome back to the Think Factory podcast and I’m your host Chris Santomassimo from OGC Solutions and we power the think factory podcast and OGC Solutions Powers the Think Factory podcast and we’re proud of that of course. And I’m here with a friend, Len Giglio, who’s the CEO of Tempo Flexible Packaging up in Ontario, Canada. So welcome to the podcast.

Len: Thank you for having me.

Chris: Oh, Len, it’s great. To set the stage a little bit. You and I were talking, of course, about the packaging market, but I wanted to introduce not only you and tempo for the listeners of the podcast, but talking a little bit about what you’ve been able to achieve as a team. And then let’s talk a little bit about the sustainability issues that I think have really enveloped the packaging business worldwide, certainly in North America as well. Let’s talk about introduction to the tempo and what you folks do.

Len: Yeah. So, yeah, so for those who don’t know who we are, simple, flexible, medium size, flexible packaging operation, just around 200 employees in southern Ontario, Canada. And we’ve been in business for now 54 years. Family owned company.

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