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Diana Dubbs is a Director of Business Development at Peace Valley Recovery, where she plays a vital role in shaping the company’s growth trajectory and ensuring long-term success. She has over 9 years of experience in the drug and alcohol treatment field, beginning her journey by creating sustainable recovery programs in New Jersey. She has built a strong network of support in NJ and Pennsylvania, helping individuals from all walks of life and fostering meaningful connections. Diana is deeply committed to her work, guiding others as they rebuild their lives after addiction. Her own struggles with opioids were challenging, leading to health issues, police encounters, and the loss of jobs and homes. 

Susan Kleiner:  Hello and welcome to the Women’s Roundtable podcast. Powered by the think factory where we learn how women think big and grow their business. My name is Susan Kleiner. I’m a partner with outside General Counsel solutions and I’m the host of today’s episode. I’m really happy to have with me here today. Diana dubs Diana is the national director of Business Development at Peace Valley Recovery, which is a premier outpatient addiction center located in Bucks County, PA Peace Valley works with individuals struggling with alcohol or drug use that’s impacting their lives. Peace Valley helps individuals develop new coping skills. Recognize triggers and their root causes for alcohol or drug use. Diana recently started working at Peace Valley, but she’s worked in the Recovery; field for the past ten years, and her insights on recovery and her personal experience is just invaluable. So I’m really happy to have her here for today’s episode. Welcome.

Dianna Dubbs: Hi, how are you?

Susan Kleiner:  Umm, I’d love to hear a little bit more about Peace Valley and like what sets it apart in the Recovery; field.

Dianna Dubbs: Sure. So Peace Valley is a primary substance use provider that focuses on trauma, informed care. What’s really, really special about Peace Valley is that we have a small ratio of patients to therapist, meaning that we’re overstaffed on therapist and we tend to have an open door policy whenever patient comes in the door that they have access to everybody that’s on site whenever they need them. So the the actual program in itself does all traditional modalities of cognitive behavioral therapy by electric behavioral therapy. And then we use seeking safety as a trauma informed care model to really focus on a patient’s need to get down to the core of what their issues are and what their substance use, why their substance use actually started.

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