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Marvin Ventrell has served as the CEO of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) since 2015, bringing over 30 years of experience as a lawyer, association director, teacher, and addiction treatment executive. Throughout his career, Marvin has been a dedicated advocate for vulnerable populations, working to develop and enhance legal and healthcare systems to better serve those in need. He has held executive leadership positions in several national social welfare and justice organizations and has authored two textbooks, along with numerous articles on law, social services, behavioral health, and addiction treatment.

In addition to his work with NAATP, Marvin has contributed his expertise as a program director and consultant for addiction treatment programs in Colorado, as well as for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. He is a recognized speaker at conferences, universities, and treatment programs across the country. His leadership in the field has earned him several prestigious awards, including the American Bar Association’s National Advocacy Award and the National Council of Juvenile Court Judges’ Meritorious Service to the Children of America Award. Marvin’s tenure at NAATP has focused on promoting professionalism, integrity, and evidence-based practices within addiction treatment.

Susan Kleiner: Hello and welcome to the Think Factory podcast. I’m Susan Kleiner, partner with Outside General Counsel Solutions and I’m the host of today’s episode. I’m happy to have with me here today Marvin Ventrell. Marvin serves as the CEO of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers NATAP. He has been in that role since 2015, and he continued his 30 year career as a practicing lawyer, association director, teacher, and addiction treatment executive. During his career, he’s been devoted to advocacy for populations in need and to build legal and healthcare system responses to meet those needs. In addition to serving in executive leadership roles and several national social welfare and justice agencies, he’s written two textbooks on law and social justice, and he’s written book chapters and professional articles on law, medicine, social services, behavioral health, and addiction treatment and recovery. He’s a frequent lecturer at treatment programs, conferences, universities and agencies. He’s received numerous distinctions including the AB as National Advocacy Award, the National Council of Juvenile Court justices, Meritorious Service to the Children of America Award, and other awards too. He’s had quite an impact in the field of recovery and he’s received rewards for innovation, commitment, and dynamic thinking. His focus while leading NATAP has been to secure the place of addiction treatment and healthcare through the establishment of treatment programs, professionalism, integrity and evidence based efficacy.

Susan Kleiner: So thank you Marvin for being here with us.

Marvin Ventrell: I’m honored to be here. Thank you.

Susan Kleiner: Yeah, that’s quite a bio. You know, it it, I feel like I feel honored to have to have you here since you you’re you’re you’re so well renowned. And I know that you’ve been on a bunch of podcasts, so and and you speak frequently. So thanks for making the time.

Marvin Ventrell: Thanks for having me.

Susan Kleiner: So First off, you know, in case, you know, our listeners aren’t familiar, although many will be. What is NATAP NATAP is our countries national professional membership Society of addiction treatment providers.

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