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Alissa Randall is the Professional Headshot and Brand Photographer at All About Headshots. As the CEO and lead photographer, Alissa is dedicated to helping clients see their true and authentic selves through her lens. Her work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal’s article, “The $1,000 Headshot Can Really Pay Off,” highlighting the transformative impact of her photography. A lifestyle branding photographer and CHIEF member, Alissa is WBE certified, showcasing her commitment to excellence and diversity in her field. She creates a stress-free experience for her clients, from styling consultations to professional hair and makeup, ensuring they feel valued, heard, and comfortable to bring their full selves to the foreground.

Before becoming a professional photographer, Alissa had a successful career as a Chief Marketing Officer at a nonprofit organization. Her background in marketing has given her the skills to make anyone comfortable in front of the camera, even those who may be camera-shy or new to the experience. As a marketing executive, Alissa demonstrated expertise in building strategies at the intersection of performance marketing and business development, designing partnership strategies that scaled program reach and amplified performance growth.

Now, as a headshot and portrait photographer, Alissa leverages her passion for helping clients see themselves for the first time. She captures the essence of her subjects, creating impactful and strong images that allow the world to see their most authentic selves. Alissa’s unique blend of marketing expertise and photographic talent makes her a sought-after professional in the industry, dedicated to making a difference in the lives of those she photographs.

All About Headshots NJ is a premier headshot, portrait, and personal brand photography service, specializing in capturing the essence of individuals, whether they have two or four legs. The company is dedicated to creating headshots that highlight character, strength, and energy, ensuring clients receive images that elevate their personal and professional presence. With a focus on making every client feel comfortable and confident, All About Headshots NJ produces photos that open doors and push individuals to their fullest potential.

Susan Kleiner: Welcome to the Women’s Roundtable podcast, powered by the Think Factory, where we learn how women think big and grow their business. My name is Susan Kleiner. I’m a partner with Outside General Counsel Solutions, and I’m the host of today’s episode. I am happy to have here with me today Alissa Randall from All About Headshots. All About Headshots is a headshot and lifestyle branding company. It’s a relatively new company. And we’re so happy to have Allisa here with us today to talk about her transition from corporate life to running her own business. So I want to welcome Alissa. Thanks for being here.

Alissa Randall: Thanks so much, Susan. Very happy to be here.

Susan Kleiner: So as we’re getting started, you know, as I you know, after I was introduced to you and talking to you, it is so inspiring and amazing to hear your story and about hear about how you’re now like living your life’s purpose. And I know that people can’t see you because this is a recording. But when I see you talk about your business and the things that you do, you light up the screen, right? Which is amazing. So let’s take a step back. I’d love to hear a little bit, if you want to tell us a little bit about all about headshots, but then I’d like to hear about the circumstances that led to how it began and how you found your life’s purpose. That’s a lot. So first, tell me a little bit about all about headshots.

Alissa Randall: Sure. Thanks. So all about headshots. I’m a headshot specialist and I also do lifestyle branding photos, which means that I take photos of the services that you offer and and set you up in that aspect, how it started. So all about headshots started so well. Let’s see. So I was a Chief Marketing Officer. I started the marketing department at this nonprofit in December of 2009. So I thought I was going to be there forever. I really thought that I would retire from there. And one afternoon it was during Thanksgiving. My brother was in town from Hawaii and I was shooting with his camera and we went into an H in New York because I wanted to get his camera. And on the way out, David said to me, You should be a headshot photographer. And I said, come again. I have no idea what you’re saying. And I made him spell it. And so April 30th, that year, 2022, I trained under the premiere headshot photographer and I loved it and it was great. And I remember sitting in the class thinking, This is amazing. How do people do this for a living? And then of course, that week I went back to work as as a CMO. And then May 19 of 2022, my position was eliminated and for about 30 seconds I felt sorry for myself. And then I realized, all right, time to move on. What am I doing? I’m starting my headshot business. And so I called up PNH because I had bought lights and I had no idea how to use them because I was a natural light street photographer. And for those of you who know about street photography, you don’t have lights. And I had no idea how to use these lights that I bought and I combination. They put me in touch with the wrap for the lights that I bought and the rats name was Cliff Howser. And I called them and I said, Well, my position was eliminated this morning and I’m starting my headshot business. Will you come over and teach me how to use these lights? And he said he waited for just one minute and 1/2. And then he said, yes, I will come over. So that Saturday he was standing in my living room and he said, I don’t know why. I said, yes. And I said, I’m so happy that you said yes. And so all about headshots was born and I was building my portfolio and on June 24 I was photographing this woman and she looked at the photos I was taking of her and she said, Oh, I’m paying you for these. And that was it. That was my first paying client, and that’s how I started charging my clients.

Susan Kleiner: And that was in June of 2022?

Alissa Randall: June of 2022, August 11 of 2022, I was written up in the Wall Street Journal and and he asked me, will you ever go back to corporate? And I said, I’m never going back to corporate. And it was funny because I had spoken with a recruiter, because we all call recruiters when we lose our jobs that are that are a step, a natural step Right. And I remember speaking with her and I said, I’m starting this photography business. Let’s talk about that touch base in three months. She called, in three months, I said, let’s have space in three more months. And so we spoke in December and I said, I’m never going back to corporate. And it was just this unbelievable, freeing journey, this crazy adventure. And I highly recommend it to everyone.

Susan Kleiner: Wow. So let’s back up for a minute because obviously, you know, if you were the chief marketing officer for this national nonprofit, you were very successful with what you did. And I have to imagine that a lot of your self-worth was wrapped up in your job. Right. And and how you identified yourself. And you were probably really proud of the work that you did and felt good about it. And, you know, to lose, you know, to get terminated, have your position eliminated at that stage. For a lot of people would have been, you know, really, really difficult. And, you know, the fact that you were able to pivot so quickly is pretty amazing. But I imagine that you had already been thinking, you know, having these thoughts, thinking about, you know, your life and how to change things before May 19. Right. So I’d love to hear a little bit more about, you know, how did that happen? How did you take these risks and and make these decisions to lead you where you are?

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